May 11, 2010


Today I was told that I was fat. Not directly, but definitely implied that way. We are doing a weight loss challenge at the Y against all of the other branches. A couple of us employees decided that we had the motivation to do it. I was nervous stepping on the scale after Move 2 Lose had ended. I knew I put back on a couple of the pounds I took off. But regardless I did it.

As soon as I stepped on, this ignorant old man (member) looked at me and said, "You're getting on the scale? Hey Becky, (my boss) if you want to feel better about yourself, look at the scale now!"

All I could manage to say after picking my mouth up off the floor was, "Hey now, that wasn't very nice."

That wasn't very nice? I should've told him what a worthless piece of crap he was for what he said. I should've went over there and knocked his lights out for all the things he's said to me and said to a couple of the other girls I work with. But I didn't. Instead, I told my boss who stood there in disbelief. And nothing was said to that old man. Nothing was done to back me up.

I am well aware that I need to lose weight, and I'm working on it... but I shouldn't have to put up with a hateful old man telling me I'm fat.

I guess it's just a little more motivation to lose weight, not for him but for myself. As for the old man, he will just have to deal with our Maker when the time comes.