January 25, 2011

Black Mail

On Friday, I took a mental health day from work and my brother was off school for a snow day. Luckily I have 4-wheel drive so I picked him up and we headed to the Dayton Mall... I was reliving my high school days.

Our first stop was Jimmy Johns.

I then proceeded to drag him into every store possible, including Victoria's Secret and Forever 21.

I'm an awesome sister.

One Less Lonely Girl

I did it.

I broke down and bought the nail polish I had been eyeballing for over a month.

Yes, it's the Justin Bieber collection for OPI. I am not ashamed. I can totally rock the mint green nails... even if it was designed by a 16 year old boy.

And I was feeling bold with the stripes and plaid. I didn't think it looked bad at all.

January 20, 2011

Caught in the act...

Our toilet paper has been mysteriously coming unrolled and clawed up. I have nooooo idea who could be doing it.


Not tight!

I have a love/hate relationship with tights. I love them, I can never wear them more than once.

My favorite purple ones... dog chewed them up.

RIP Purple Tights

So I bought a pair of black argyle ones.

Super cute.
Until I put them on.

BAM! Runner.
Worst day ever? I think so.

January 16, 2011

Taking my life back.

The only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it and the faith to believe it's possible.

January 14, 2011

My subconscious.

I woke up this morning with the song from Pinky and The Brain stuck in my head. I was in a daze.

They're Pinky and The Brain
Yes, Pinky and The Brain
One is a genius,
The other's insane.
They're laboratory mice
Their genes have been spliced
They're dinky
They're Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain

I quickly snapped out of it when Jus hollered for me to come into the kitchen. The animals left us a little present sitting in the middle of the kitchen... A dead mouse with a missing arm. All three of them hovered around trying to take credit for the kill. Apparently hoping to get more treats. If I had to guess, one of the cats killed it and the dog ate the arm. Pretty disgusting if you ask me.

Looks like I'll be setting some traps in the basement when I get off work.

They're Pinky and The Brain
Yes, Pinky and The Brain

January 12, 2011

Valentine Gift Swap

I'm very excited to be participating in Simply Sunshine and Daisys Valentine Exchange. I can't wait to find out who my partner will be!

January 11, 2011

I have a way with children...

 Thursday night I had dinner with my best friend, Mandy and her two nephews, Kayden and Klayton. I'm known to them as Aunt Britty. 

Everybody wanted to sit with me, including Brutus.

Saturday I worked in the Nursery at the Y.
Cooper and I built an awesome fort.

I (somehow) managed to fit under the table.
Cooper got mad when I had my boots hanging out the other side.
He told me we weren't friends anymore.

January 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to two of my favorite fellas!

Today, Jus turns 24. I let the dog jump on the bed this morning to give him birthday licks. I mean, what better way to wake up, right?? Happy Birthday Beebs, we love you!

I saved up all my extra cash to buy his birthday present. Being the manly man that he is, I was surprised to find out that Jus had never been to a NFL game before. Just my luck that the Colts (my team) were playing the Titans (his team) two days before his birthday. So we put on our Sunday's finest and headed to Indianapolis.

On our way to the game.

After a mile long walk to the stadium.

View from our seats.

The Colts won and are heading to the playoffs. Jus pouted the whole ride home until we got to Qdoba. That lifted his spirits. Better luck next year!

Oh, you might be wondering who else is having a birthday today... my little fat cat, Dude!! Hard to believe he showed up on our front porch a year a half ago. He got a cat nip filled whale and extra treats this morning. I'm sure he'll spend the rest of the day celebrating by sleeping in the sunshine in his favorite spot... on the back of the couch that now sags in the middle.