December 29, 2010

We all have resolutions!

You're looking back on your life this year and wondering what resolutions you're going to make for 2011. Well here's mine.

1. Save! Save! Save!

We have big plans for our house this year... which means big money.
A fence.
A deck.
New washer and dryer.
Possibly new siding.

Eating out less, shopping a little less (sigh), and clipping coupons is on the agenda for 2011.

2. Up in the gym working on my fitness.

Since dating Justin, I've packed on almost 20 pounds. 20! Since high school I've put on... way more than that. This year I want to take advantage of the FREE gym membership I get for working at a GYM! I have to be committed, and determined. Goodbye Dove Chocolate, you will be missed.

3. Take more pictures.

Jus and I are adventurers. We go everywhere! And always manage to leave the camera at home. In 2011, I vow to keep my camera in my purse, document my life and give my blog a little more pizazz!

December 21, 2010

Whistle while you work...

I'm wearing purple tights to work today and it makes everything just a little bit more exciting.

December 14, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

We spent most of Sunday watching the snow fall.

Jus broke out his winter hat.

                    And baked a Funfetti Bundt Cake. (yes, bundt cake)


But we woke up in the morning to this...

                       Apparently dogs like Funfetti Cakes, too.

December 8, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

I've been on vacation the past week and have taken a hiatus from the internet. Today I'm playing catch-up.

I've been feeling very Bah Humbug this Holiday Season. I'm not exactly sure why either. So to get in the spirit of the holiday, I put up my Christmas tree and decorated the house over vacation.

We've actually had people stop and look in our windows are the tree.

Then came the snow! In Ohio, we're used to seeing snow come anytime from October to April. In the past years, we haven't had snow until late January. I think we have about 4 inches at the house right now with another storm coming this weekend. It definitely gets you in the mood for Christmas.

Today I'm feeling a little more Merry :)

November 30, 2010


I want to scream.

November 16, 2010

Morning Adventures.

Every morning after I get out of the shower, I am greeted by my "children." I'm sure it's their way of telling me, "Hurry up and get ready so we can eat!"

I feel the love.

Cali on the counter

Dude on the toilet

Trip on the floor

November 15, 2010

Cat Tails.

There was a wax accident in my house this morning. I have a candle warmer in my bathroom and while getting ready this morning, Dude got a little too close to it. He stuck the end of his tail right in it. After I got him to stop running through the house and calmed down a little, I tried to trim it off but there was just too much.

By then, I was running late and didn't get to eat to breakfast. I had no choice but to leave for the day.

I feel like a terrible mother. My stomach has been in knots all day worried about him. I put a post out on Facebook asking how to get wax out of cat fur and it looks like olive oil or peanut butter should do the trick. If he doesn't hate me too much after my attempt, I might let him eat tuna and SpaghettiOs... his two favorite things.

Tail Pre-Wax Accident

November 12, 2010

A person must be able to be alone and find happiness with themselves,
before they can ever expect to be happy with someone else.

November 11, 2010

Plus Sized Sale!

I am all for a good sale and Torrid is having 50% Off All Clearance! I bought three cute tops and two scarves for $40. $8 shipping, too.

November 9, 2010

Job Initiation

After three days off work, I come in to find my desk looking like this...

Apparently I'm well liked at my new job... haha

November 2, 2010

25 things I'm thankful for while I'm still 25

Tomorrow is my 26th birthday. I'm not nearly as devastated about this birthday as I was about the ones in the past. I cried when I turned 21 because someone called me ma'am, I refused to celebrate my 25th because Jus told me I was a quarter of the way to 100. Nothing is going to rain on my parade this year.

I have a lot to be thankful for in the almost 26 years I've been a live. Here's 25 of them:

1. My Family - always supportive and loving

2. My Mother - she's my best friend

3. Jus - loves me even when I pout and throw a fit

4. Good Credit - I couldn't have bought the things I have if I didn't have it

5. Beverage Consumers - you help pay the bills and secure my future

6. Pumpkin Spice Cappucinos from Speedway - taste great, keeps me awake, only cost $1

7. Good Health

8. My Love for Animals - Cali, Dude and Trip

9. My New Home

10. Faith
11. A Good Sense of Humor

12. Veterans - Thank you Mike!

13. The Ohio State Buckeyes

14. Volleyball on Friday Nights

15. Graeter's Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

16. Sunshine - always make me feel better

17. Clorox Wipes

18. Clinique All About Eyes Rich Cream

19. Finally getting a full time job!

20. Target

21.  Zyrtec Allergy Pills - must have to survive

22. Love for Adventure

23. Willingness to try new things

24. Clever Comebacks

25. I believe in and love myself more than I ever have before

Jus decided he wanted to make a list of his own. He is thankful for the following:

1. Frozen Pizza

2. Having a job

3. Leftover Halloween Candy

4. Me! Aw.

October 29, 2010

Freaky Friday!

Halloween is my favorite holiday. Once a year I get to dress up in costume, shamelessly eat candy until my teeth rot and watch all the movies that will give me nightmares for the next month. I'm actually more excited about the Are You Afraid of the Dark and Goosebumps marathon than anything.

This will be the first year I get to pass out candy. I now understand why as kids we never got any Snickers or Reese Cups... candy is outrageously expensive! But since this is our first year in the neighborhood, we decided to splurge a little. Our front porch is decorated with mums and quirky jack-o-lanterns. I wanted to dress the dog up like a ghost to scare the kids but Jus said that was a bad idea. He would just chew the sheet up or lick everyone to death. I attempted to paint his nails green last night but he wouldn't sit still enough to let me do them. Sheesh, dogs these days!

A couple weeks ago Jus and I made Halloween Gifts for the girls in SACC at the Y. I've been watching these girls for over 2 years and since I wouldn't be working in the mornings anymore, I decided to do something nice. I put candy corn, M&M's, and peanuts in ghost bags (Jus picked out), tied spider rings and Halloween Silly Bands with ribbon to close the tops, then taped on crazy eyed glasses. Needless to say, they loved it!


What are your plans for Halloween?

October 7, 2010

Whew, how much excitement can one girl have in a year? Visited family for the first time in Seattle. Bought a house. Bought a new car. Adopted a doggie. Finally got a full time job! GWA (Girls Weekend Away) to Chicago at the end of the month. Turning 21 for the 6th time in the beginning on November... I'll never fess up to actually turning 26.

I'm pretty much stoked on life right now! To celebrate, I think I'll hit the local winery after work and buy the only bottle of wine I've ever liked...

Quady Electra California Orange Muscat Wine

Oh, how I love you!

September 20, 2010

He's a Trip...

I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our home...

This is Trip... formally known as Tyler. We got him yesterday at the Preble County Humane Society. He's a one year old, Shepherd Mix... though we're not sure that's exactly what he is. He's been at the shelter since June and was adopted once and brought back. We're hoping we can give him an amazing life!

The Pork Festival Parade was this weekend and Jus and I decided to get out and meet our neighbors and enjoy the parade. There were bands from all over, men dressed up like pigs, local businesses and lots of candy.... there was also a parade of dogs from the local animal shelter.

We've been wanting a dog for a very long time and decided we would go on Sunday to "see" what they had. We were looking for a dog that was a medium build, not a puppy but not older than two, good with cats, and wasn't too hyper. There were so many dogs. We actually walked right by "Tyler" trying to avoid an aggressive White Lab. We made another loop around and there he was. He didn't bark, he didn't get overly excited, he just sat there wagging his tail. We knew we had to get him out of the cage and in a playroom. Once we got in the room, Jus petted him all over and in return got lots of kisses. He wasn't didn't get pee all over or jump up and down... he just seemed grateful that somebody was there to love him. He stole our hearts instanty.

He's now adjusting to a new life in our house. He's very curious, especially trying to figure out the cats. They do not care for him, but, in time, I'm sure they will all be friends.

September 3, 2010

Seriously cute.

I don't think I have EVER seen something so cute in my life. Totally Dog is a Dog Day Care in Miami, FL that has over 5 acres of supervised entertainment including, a place to run, a bone shaped swimming pool, and a Pine Rockland. Tthey offer transportation to and from camp on a Doggy Bus. I am an avid animal lover and what these people are doing would be a dream come true for me. I could definitely see myself doing something like this one day.

August 25, 2010


Today I traded in my car in for something a little older,a little bigger and a little less fuel efficient. I needed something with more room, less miles and a little giddy up.

Say hello to my new ride.

August 12, 2010


I feel like I've let this summer pass me by. I haven't played softball in over a month, nor have I been to any of Justin's games. I'm as pale as a ghost. My hair isn't it's normal bleach blonde, instead it's dirty dark blonde. I never went to the zoo. I didn't get to go to the park. My eyes look heavy from working too much and sleeping too little.

I feel like I'm in a funk. I find myself feeling so alone anymore. I rarely see my friends, Justin and I have been going through a rough time, and I just can't seem to caught a break. I'm sure I bring most of this on myself but there's just something I can't shake.

We finally got moved into our house and unpacked the boxes. Now I need to work on me. I've started painting my nails bright colors and bought some funky and fun jewelry. It's lifted my spirits but only slightly.

I want to feel vibrant. I want to get out of this routine. I need to figure out what's going on with me and start enjoying life again.

July 23, 2010

A home of my own.

I did it, I bought my very first home! Signing my life away wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I've been searching for a house for 3 years and to be honest, I never thought I would actually buy one. Everytime I found something I loved, something would come up. I lost my job. I relocated. It needed too much work. This time, my timing was right and God knew it was the house for me. This weekend will be full of cleaning, painting, and packing. Next weekend Justin and I will officially make the big move. I'm looking forward to starting our lives in our new little house.

July 14, 2010

Welcome Back, Britney

So I have been majorly neglecting my blog lately. There's just been so much going on. Let me give you all an update on my crazy life.

I just got back from Seattle. I spent a week out there with my family. It was the first time my mamaw has had all her kids together in 22 years. I met cousins and aunts for the first time. Washington is beautiful. The pine trees are tall and go for miles and miles. No matter where you go, there's a view of Mt. Ranier. Every morning we woke up and saw the mountain from our balcony. One day we actually went up to Mt. Ranier and threw snowballs at each other... in the middle of July, with a tank top and flip flops on! Downtown Seattle is beyond incredible. We went up in the Space Needle, watching fresh fish get tossed at Pike Place and ate on the Pugent Sound at a crab shack. If I ever had to start my life over, that's where I would want to be.

The closing for our house was scheduled for tomorrow. Well, it's been pushed back another week. It's been quite frustrating thus far. So hopefully we will be moving in the first week of August. All the paint is bought for the inside, Justin bought his first weedeater and leaf blower. It's just a waiting game now.

I'm interviewing for a new job Friday. It's a paycut but it's full time with benefits. I'll get go in and get off at the same time every day. What a change that will be! So fingers crossed that I get it.

I'm sure there's a ton more going on but my brain is just so fried right now. I promise to update more often!

June 9, 2010

We're Moving!

Two weeks ago I put in an offer on a house. After three days of negotiating, we accepted their counter-offer. In a couple weeks I will be a proud homeowner!

May 11, 2010


Today I was told that I was fat. Not directly, but definitely implied that way. We are doing a weight loss challenge at the Y against all of the other branches. A couple of us employees decided that we had the motivation to do it. I was nervous stepping on the scale after Move 2 Lose had ended. I knew I put back on a couple of the pounds I took off. But regardless I did it.

As soon as I stepped on, this ignorant old man (member) looked at me and said, "You're getting on the scale? Hey Becky, (my boss) if you want to feel better about yourself, look at the scale now!"

All I could manage to say after picking my mouth up off the floor was, "Hey now, that wasn't very nice."

That wasn't very nice? I should've told him what a worthless piece of crap he was for what he said. I should've went over there and knocked his lights out for all the things he's said to me and said to a couple of the other girls I work with. But I didn't. Instead, I told my boss who stood there in disbelief. And nothing was said to that old man. Nothing was done to back me up.

I am well aware that I need to lose weight, and I'm working on it... but I shouldn't have to put up with a hateful old man telling me I'm fat.

I guess it's just a little more motivation to lose weight, not for him but for myself. As for the old man, he will just have to deal with our Maker when the time comes.

April 30, 2010

Motherly Advice

I was reading old blogs I had posted on Myspace and I came across this one. It's from November of 2008.

This is a birthday card my mom gave me for my birthday. It is perfect.

A Birthday To-Do List For My Daughter

Don't sit around waiting for somebody else to make you happy.
Happy is a do-it-yourself kind of thing.

Be true to yourself and to what you want out of life.
Broken hearts heal, but broken dreams don't.
(Plan accordingly.)

Make you own choices, but don't forget- you're the one who'll have to live with them.

Take chances now and then.
Chance is just another way to say that life is waiting to open a door for you.

Forgive others, and when you need to, forgive yourself.

See the good all around you, even if you have to squint sometimes.

Love who you are, and know that you are loved.

April 26, 2010

First Time Home Buyer

I am beyond ready to buy a house. I have steady employment, a hefty downpayment, and an eye for design. Never in a million years would I fathom how hard it is to find your first home. There's so many "what ifs." I found a house that I LOVED about 3 months ago, but could not get pre-approved at the time because I haven't work my two part times jobs for two years... which I personally think is a hunk of bologna. So I decided to hold out and keep my fingers crossed that the house would stay on the market. As of last Friday, they had an accepted offer on it. Awesome :( Of course, that doesn't mean it will actually sell. I don't have high hopes for that though. So I continued looking. I found a house in Richmond that would be perfect... 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, new kitchen, full finished basement, best part of town, in my price range. Only problem, it's in Richmond. Less than 5 minutes from work but in one of the fastest dying cities in America. The housing market in Richmond is awful. The schools are terrible. I don't know if that town will ever turn around. But the house...that house is perfect! I've looked throughout Eaton, Lewisburg, Lakengren (my ideal locations)...I'd get half the house with double the work. Houses don't sit long here. I did find one down the street from my apartment in Eaton... two bedrooms, one bath, full basement (unfinished). It's $2000 more than the house in Richmond and half the square footage but is in the town I'd prefer. Ugh, it makes my head spin.

I pray every day that God will help me find a house that's meant to be. I just hope He answers my prayers soon.

April 9, 2010

Take me out to the ball game!

It's that time of year again... baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, Chevrolet. Yes, I'm aware that we are no longer in the 70's but these are still some of my favorite things. I love a cool spring/summer night at the ballpark. The dust, the cracking of the bat, the grunt of the umpire. My Redlegs aren't off to the best start & we did pitch the first grand slam of the year, but I'm still a fan.

Oh what I wouldn't do for a slice of my Great Grandma Howell's homemade apple pie. Everything including the crust was homemade. My last memories of her are sitting in her kitchen playing with a 1930's radio while eating chicken and dumplins and pie. My mom says I'm framed just like she was, right down to the cankles. Cankles or not, she was a very attractive and fun woman and I still admire her to this day.

Now as for the Chevy part, can't say I'm much of a fan but it is an American Tradition. I'm just hoping this Spring/Summer is a memorable one. Lots of time with family and friends, cooking out, going to festivals, listening to loud music, complaining about having flat hair because of the humidity, baseball games, loads of laughter. That's what makes it worth it.

March 22, 2010

Hey I'm just lookin' for a good time.

It took 1 1/2 hours on Saturday morning, but I got 6 tickets to Lady Antebellum!! They are playing at the Darke County Fair in August. I'm not the biggest fan of country music, but there's something about them that I adore. Plus, the guys are cute to boot! ;)

March 17, 2010

Celebrating Heritage

Since today is St. Patty's Day, I thought it would be a good time reflect on my past and where my family came from.

Let's start with my dad's side, McClain. Sounds Irish, hence today, but it's not. It's actually Scottish. Now, I'm not sure if we're part of Clan MacLaine of Lochbuie or Clan MacLean of Duart. They often fought with one another but joined forces when threatened. Faced with the hardships of Scotland, they moved to America.

My mother was a Hubek. The Hubek/Sloboda family actually moved here in the early 1900's from Czechoslovakia. I can't seem to locate a lot of information about their heritage besides the fact that they resided in what's now Slovakia. I still have some family living over there with both surnames. Someday I would love to meet my family there. Maybe I'll do a little digging at my aunt's house.

Everyone should take the time to research their past. I think it's fun to see how far my family has come.

March 12, 2010

Weight Loss!

I started Move 2 Lose at the Y 5 weeks ago. I'm currently down 6 pounds! I feel absolutely amazing. I've been watching what I eat (and tracking it on Spark People) and working out at least twice a week. I've become more aware of the things I should and shouldn't eat... check your BMR, it will show you how many calories you can should eat during the day and what it takes to lose. I've learned new workouts that might hurt a little while doing them, but make you feel accomplished when you're done. My goal is to lose one pound a week for the next year. Realistically, that's only 52 pounds. I'll be fit and healthy at that weight (when I get closer to that goal, I'll let you know what I really weigh :P). I'd also like to start running this summer or at least wogging (walk/jog). I forsee a new me!

March 9, 2010

Whoo me?

I am in love with owls. They seem  wise and are so very cute. While browsing Better Homes and Gardens website (my absolute fave), I came across things you can do with leftover scrap paper. Tada!  Easy to make Owl Wall Art. I just need to die-cutting tool now. I think I just found a weekend project for myself. I'll post a pic of my finished project once I complete it.

March 4, 2010

I need guidance.

Tonight my heart is cold.
Lost in your lies, shallow replies.

This morning something happened that made me question not only another person but myself. I need to know if this is really where I belong in my life. Am I being selfish for wanting so much more or should I make the most of what I have? Perhaps my expectations are too high. Maybe I'm seeking non-existant perfection. I'm am looking above for answers from Him. 

I find myself drawn to this verse.

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

James 1:19

March 1, 2010

Twenty-Five Things About Me

Since I am 25 I thought I would make this 25 things about me that you might not know.

1. I fell down a flight of steps and broke my femur when I was 2. I was in a body cast for 4 months and had to relearn to walk.

2. My claim to fame is my chili. Justin says it's better than his dads.

3. I taught myself to read and write at the age of 4 by doing word searches.

4. My eyelashes are blonde and hard to see.

5. Mighty Mouse was my first boyfriend, husband, love of my life.

6. I've always wanted to live by a lake or the ocean.

7. I can't swim, which might interfere with my hopes for #7.

8. I was voted Biggest Flirt my senior year of high school.

9. My brother broke my nose with a Fisher Price Flashlight when I was 12.

10. My nose has been broken 5 times since then.

11. I jumped into and through a window when I was 4 pretending to be Hulk Hogan.

12. I've talked my way out of at least a dozen speeding tickets.

13. I played volleyball at Wright State for one year.

14. I like animals more than people.

15. When I was younger I wanted to be a marine biologist... or a truck driver.

16. I've always known I wasn't meant to live in Ohio, yet here I am.

17. Target is my favorite store.

18. I once wrote on my car "God wears a sweatervest" and drove to an Ohio State football game.

19. Lately I've become fascinated by Hello Kitty.

20. I'm in the process of buying a home!

21. I talk about my cats like they're my children... mainly because they are.

22. I believe that the bigger the hair the closer to Heaven.

23. I buy decorating magazines on a regular basis.

24. I can't keep fingernail polish on my nails for more than a day.

25. I'm ready to start a family. :)

February 15, 2010

Owl always be yours.

Yesterday was the first time I've had a Valentine in... well ever. Last year at this time I was celebrating Single's Awareness Night with my closest girlfriends. But this year we all have nice fellas in our lives and I couldn't help but to sing...

I love love. I love being in love. I don't care what it does to me!

Saturday night Justin took me out. We had planned on going to BD's Mongolian Grill at the Greene but after driving around for 30 mins and not finding a parking spot, we landed off the beaten path at Ruby Tuesdays... which just so happened to be in the same complex as Dorothy Lane Market. OH KILLER BROWNIES HOW I LOVE YOU! I couldn't control myself and ended up buying two.

Justin ended up taking me to dinner and got me two beautiful gifts.

It has two hearts connected by a row of diamonds.
I love it!

Yesterday Justin worked so I got the house all to myself. Well not really... I found two cats following my every move.

They're lucky I love them.

My gift to Justin was dinner. I made shrimp scampi linguini, italian roasted vegetables, and cheddar cheese biscuits. It was very, very good. I enjoy cooking.

 My first Valentine was definitely a good one.